Three Possible Causes of a High Electricity Bill in Your Home

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Did your recent energy bill leave you in shock when you saw the total? If you’re wondering why you suddenly have an unusually high electricity bill, you’re not alone. Many people find themselves noticing a change in their bills, and there are often a few notable reasons for this increase. 

Keep reading to discover how your lights affect your bills, three large reasons for electricity bill changes, and our top tips to cut costs. Once you’ve learned a bit more, reach out to Crowe Electric, the top electrician in Marshfield, MA, to schedule an electrical service appointment.

How Lights and Thermostats Impact Electricity Bills

Leaving lights and ceiling fans on when you aren’t using them can add to your bills. Furthermore, using the wrong thermostat setting can increase energy usage. Using LED light bulbs instead of CFL and incandescent means spending less energy to illuminate your property.

Why Energy Bills Can Sharply Increase

Several problems may cause an expensive electricity bill, such as the season or spending more time at home. During the fall and winter months, families and friends often get together more, using the lights, appliances, televisions, and more. Additionally, anyone who works from home may start to utilize more appliances and devices.

Another common explanation for a pricey bill is failing to unplug electronic devices and appliances when you aren’t using them. Many homeowners leave their kitchen appliances and gadgets plugged in until they use them again but don’t realize they still consume energy. Although this uses less energy than when the devices are running, it still can make enough of an impact on a bill over time. 

Some other possible causes are:

  • Using your large appliances during peak hours of operation
  • Daylight savings changing your habits and electrical usage
  • Needing to use more electricity and appliances in extreme weather
  • Charging your phone, tablet, or laptop longer than necessary

Three Main Causes for High Electricity Bills at Home

Although we’ve covered many explanations for high energy bills in the home, we find that three primary reasons often take the cake for expensive costs. These include the following.

1. Poor Quality Insulation

Having leaking, damaged, or no insulation significantly impacts your home’s electricity bills. HVAC systems work hard to keep your property warm during extremely cold winter conditions and blistering hot summer weather. When you have cold air or heat loss through gaps and cracks in windows, your furnace and air conditioning unit may operate more to make up for the loss, potentially leading to breakdowns and wear and tear.

Your home may have insulation problems in the attic or crawl spaces of your property. This is why it’s so vital to have top-quality insulation with professional installation. Adding caulking, upgrading windows, or replacing old insulation could lower those high bills.

2. Using Old, Inefficient Appliances

Think back to when you first purchased your appliances. If they’re operating past their lifespan or no longer performing well, it’s a good time to upgrade to a more energy-efficient, reliable system that does its job correctly. These old appliances are more than likely contributing to huge changes in your electricity bills.

While repairs and maintenance can sometimes help with this, replacement eventually becomes inevitable. It’s best to have a professional swap out your old appliances for basic electrical safety reasons.

3. You’ve Changed Your Normal Energy Usage

Purchasing new electronic devices, gadgets, and appliances like cameras, tablets, and more will impact your bills. Operating Christmas lights or adding more people to your home also makes a big difference.

Ways To Cut Down on Your Monthly Electricity Bills

Are you unhappy with the prices on your electricity bills and want to save money? Consider the following tips that you and your family members can try to receive a more favorable total on your next monthly bill:

  • Invest in solar panels to significantly decrease energy consumption.
  • Request an energy audit to learn how to increase your efficiency.
  • Consider swapping out old appliances for ENERGY STAR certified ones. 

Reach Out to Crowe Electric To Improve Your Home’s Electrical System in Norwell, Massachusetts!

Now that you understand the potential causes for your high electricity bill, contact our trusted team to make a change. We can install a whole home surge protector, perform repairs, and more, so reach out to our professionals today.

Call Crowe Electric in Norwell, MA, today at (781) 678-8266 for incredible electrical work!